What We Do

We are Broken men.

We are Bulletproof Strong.

What We Do


Put simply, we HELP others.  Specifically, we help men that struggle with addictions to substances (alcohol & drugs) and/or behaviors (porn, sex, over-eating, gambling, anger, etc.).  Our approach is not necessarily programmatic, although we do have some basic guidelines we follow.  We meet each man wherever he may be in his journey to recovery and use some basic tools and principals to guide him along the way.  Our chief goal is always to help each man become the true man that God has designed him to be.


Although every man and his circumstances vary, here are some of the tools and elements we typically use or recommend because these are the things that were helpful to each of us in our own recovery.


  • The Bible
  • The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous (Yes, even if you don’t have a problem with alcohol. AA is the seminal source for successful recovery, the originator of the 12 Steps and its principals are effective with ANY addiction)
  • Personal and/or couples counseling
  • Outside Conference attendance
  • Sponsorship/Mentorship
  • Community (frequent meeting attendance)
  • Prayer and development of an intimate relationship with God


We don’t claim to have a “bulletproof” method of recovery – there may be other methods, but we do know our method works (it makes us “Bulletproof Strong” in a spiritual sense).  We’ve seen it work and we are living proof that it works.  The fruit of what we do is evident in our lives and the lives of those that do what we do: freedom from addiction (sobriety), restored marriages (fidelity), restored character (integrity), a renewed sense of purpose (mission) and a fullness of life (abundance) previously unattained.





Founded In


Men on the Journey


Lives Restored