I am Bulletproof Strong
I choose a state-of-mind that is founded in the freedom, strength and courage that flows from my relationship with Jesus. I choose to Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9). God has given me the ability to control my thoughts, so I choose to think about myself and how I relate to others along the following lines...
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I am Bulletproof Strong

I am Bulletproof Strong

I choose a state-of-mind that is founded in the freedom, strength and courage that flows from my relationship with Jesus.  I choose to Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9).  God has given me the ability to control my thoughts, so I choose to think about myself and how I relate to others along the following lines.

I don’t have to soothe my spiritual or emotional pain with physical remedies. Jesus…came to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners (Isaiah 61:1).  God is the great physician and he heals all my wounds. Just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ (2 Cor. 1:5)

I don’t need to respond to you in anger or out-of-control emotions because you are not a real threat to me.  My security comes from my Father in heaven – my rock and my refuge (Psalm 18:2).  My destiny is safe and secure.

I don’t have to retaliate, take revenge or manipulate you when I am wronged, accused, ignored or criticized.  Vengeance belongs to God.  He will vindicate me (Romans 12:19).   I will choose patience and humility and wait for my Father’s rescue. He will lift me up (James 4:10).

You can’t threaten my value.  My sense of value comes also from my Father.  I am bought with the price of Jesus’ own blood (I Cor 6:20).  My value to God is priceless and will never decrease.

I am not fooled or confused by craftiness, schemes or wicked plans.  I seek and pursue God’s wisdom and I have the mind of Christ.  No weapon formed against me will stand (Isaiah 54:17).

You can’t convince me of my lack of strength because I already know that I have none on my own – my strength comes from God.  He is my one and only source of power and his power is unlimited.  What is impossible for man is possible with God (Matt. 19:26).

You can’t bring doubt upon my purpose.  I am created by God for his very specific, unique and important purpose and he will fulfill it in me (Psalm 57:2).  I am his image-bearer and servant here on earth.

You can’t cover me in shame.  I have nothing to hide.  I am already covered by God’s righteousness and my hope is in him.  Anyone who puts their hope in God will never be put to shame (Psalm 25:2).

You can’t impose fear upon me.  You have no authority over me that was not already given to you by my Father.  God did not give me a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

You can’t take away my freedom.  You can try to limit my power, put me in shackles or in jail or even kill me, but my spirit and soul will always be free.  Whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36).

I am enveloped by God’s peace. 

I am sustained by his power. 

I am comforted by his love.

I am paid for by his blood.

I am secured by his grace. 

When I think like this…I am Bulletproof Strong.

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